Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ben & Daddy Day

Benard and I have had the chance to spend a few days together lately. Just the two of us, the men of the family. Ben has recently had ear infections in both ears, so he's stayed home with Grandma & Grandpa, and me.

I've loved having my little buddy out with me. It's been lots of fun to just hang out and run errands with him...though he was sometimes tired.

On Friday we were at the mall visiting Grandma & Grandpa Friesen when they suggested we hop in line for Santa. After waiting with some other couples who were quite impressed at Ben's size, we got his picture taken. It turned out awesome, and my friend who works as Santa's helper said that Benard was one of the best kids through there. I think it helps that Santa looks a little like Grandad does with the beard and all.
Ben had a wonderful smile and was all excited to play with all of the toys and Christmas trees. We waited for the photo and Ben walked around trying to grab everything from the trees to the ornaments, and even the fence surrounding the place. Enjoy the picture, we sure do!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Benard's Birthday Bash!!!!!!

Well, the birthday boy thought he should be the king of the castle for his birthday. We all had a great time with all the kids, big and small, running around and getting the pent up energy out from weeks of being inside.

There was cake but no presents. For Ben's first birthday and for as long as he will let us, he will not be receiving presents @ his birthday party. Mike and I decided that for Ben's birthday he will be contributing to others and not to himself. That means that Ben raised money and donations for Seeds of Hope and their work in Zambia, Africa. The reason that we chose Seeds of Hope is because I met the little boy there that Ben is named after. All of those who came contributed and raised $630 and also some needs that we knew of were filled physically. It was a great time and raised money for a good cause.

Here Ben is with Mike's co-worker, Dave and his son Zane.

Here Rachel and Ian are eating some of the Bear cupcake/cake that I made for Ben. It was really good icing.

Ben's cousin Jaclyn hanging out with his girlfriend Gabriella.

Mike and I thought to bring Ben's truck @ the last minute and it was really a good thing. Everyone enjoyed it being there especially Eric who isn't in this picture. In the picture; Logan, Jaclyn and Benard.

Ben with his first birthday cake made out of cupcakes and shaped as a bear. He really enjoyed it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My little Traveler.

Here I am with my little traveler. Ben really enjoys the train as long as there are other people on the train other than me. He just loves to socialize with people and talk and laugh with them. There was one day that we were the only two people left on the car and he was screaming and crying the whole rest of the way. Now if we are the only two left, I look for other people maybe upstairs or if I must on another car.

So far I have run into really nice people on the train that miss Ben when he's gone. We drove for three weeks and we got a lot of comments when we returned. Even the conductors and other staff members miss him when he's gone. There is a woman that helps people out if they can't figure out how to get a ticket and she just loves seeing Ben every morning. She will play peek-a-boo with him or chase him and it is so nice that people love him going on the train.

Don't get me wrong, there are people who look at me funny. They get bothered by him and they just want a quiet ride in or home. You can just see in peoples eyes whether or not they like kids and if they want us to be there or not.

Anyway here are a few pictures of Ben on a good day on the train just before he fell asleep drinking his bottle on my lap (that never happens). I couldn't find anyone to take that picture though.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Maybe Late but still cute. Halloween

Well, I know that The season has passed but we were house sitting and I didn't have my computer so here they are. Ben was a doctor and Mike was ninja doctor. I guess maybe when they grow up they can both be doctors or people who believe that they can do anything.

There not the greatest pics. but I hope they are enjoyed by all.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Little Fall Adventure

Here are a few pictures of Ben @ the pumpkin patch yesterday. It was a family affair, we went with Denise, Alicia, Izzy, Jacob, Auntie Eileen, mom and day. We all had a great time and most likely will go again next year. It was Denise's idea and we really love spending time with her and her kids in the great out doors.

I was so warm that I'm sure that Ben was wearing too much, because I was expecting it to be cooler.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Autism Walk

This is Megan with Ben. Today we all gathered with her to raise money and walk for autism. Her nephew has autism and learning more about and raising money for autism research is very important to her and should be for all of us.

It was a privilege to do this with the majority of the Bjorndal family. Usually on Sundays all of us get together to catch up and just enjoy each other, so today we thought we would join our beloved Megan and walk for autism. It was a great way to do more then just catch up and enjoy each other, we made a difference (some of us more than others). Over $207,203 was raised today in the very first walk in our area. We only decided to walk a few weeks ago so I didn't really fundraise but we are thinking of doing it next year, so get ready to open your hearts and wallets to make a difference in many familys and childrens lives.

Here are a few shots of the rest of the family enjoying the day, only dad and Jacob were unable to make it out. It was a great day in so many ways.
Here is Jana with Adrian, just before Logan fell and we lost them for a little while. That is until they ran to catch up with us.

Here is Bella getting a good laugh with Jaclyn (Bella is in the stroller).

All the kids were interchangeble and here is Ben with David in Katherine and Chris' stroller.

Here we are getting ready on this cold day for a good walk.

My little family. We got the carrier yesterday and Ben loved it, he would have got tired of the stroller, but did great and was good the whole time in the carrier.

Here is Jaclyn all bundled up for the cold. All the kids were in great spirits considering how cold it was for them.

Here we all are for a our prewalk warm up. We were really just standing around wating to get going.

Megan and Mike enjoying a good laugh while walking in a very large crowd that wasn't moving too fast.

It was a good day and we all had a great time and I am looking forward to doing it again next year.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Ben's Got His First Job

Here's the story. I tried and tried and tried, but Ben was convinced that it was time for him to get a job. I was having a really hard time with the idea of him going off to work so I decided to go with him. So Ben and I are now Bella's (my niece) nanny's. Ben being the older one, is all in-charge. He keeps track of when Bella goes to bed and when to feed her and just plays with her if that is what she really needs at the time. Now Ben and I take the train to Port Moody 4 days a week to go meet Bella for Ben's new job.

Really I started working for Megan and Jer. two weeks ago taking care of Bella 4 days a week. Ben and I do take the west coast express most day and we get to play and have loads of fun with Bella. Here are a few pictures of the fun we have had already.

This is Bella.

Bella and Ben having a little lunch together. They don't have their bibs on here, but usually Ben ends up in a pink one because Bella shares all of her things with Ben.

Here they are just hanging out by the t.v. stand, which Ben has now figured out how to open. He's getting sneaky that little guy.

Most mornings I get to go into Bella's room and pick out an outfit for her. I really have fun with this, because girl clothes are just so cute. Not that I don't love dressing Ben but she wears more then a e-shirt and jeans every day.

Ben is trying to become more educated while we are working so here he is reading a book. "Ben I think the book goes the other way."

Here are the kids and their new ride. We just got the double stroller out today and it was a great day for a walk. After a week of teething and colds we all really needed to get out of the house. The kids really loved it and so did I.

Here's my BIG boy riding on the train. He tries to walk or crawl every where on that thing. He scared a young lady the other day because he touched her arm and yelled @ the same time. I though it was funny and I hope that she did as well.

Bathroom Duty

My mom had cleaned the bathroom last Sunday and Ben thought that he wanted to join in and this was the result.

Oh, Benny!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This is for Uncle Perry, Auntie Dawna, Derek and Shawn

Well we didn't end up moving out in your directions, but I thought that you might like this shot of Ben and Mike with their t-shirts they would have worn almost every time we came to visit you. Oh how I love Value Village you find the most wonderful things. Hope all is well with you and yours.

Go Lions Go!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Are we not Comanded to Love one Another?

I heard a story today about a few people that I know that made me wonder about the love that Christians are suppose to show to one another. My first reactions was to be cruel and ridicule back, but that is not how I should respond. I too was hurt by the actions of another in this story that I heard, but I need to move beyond that and I truly struggle with becoming bitter and angry. The tongue is a true and mighty sword that can hurt deeper and longer then any surface wound.

I was also watching a movie just the other day (Mean Girls, I know it is totally cheesy) and the story that I had heard was about women talking bad about other women, so this made me wonder....... Why do women have such a cycle of bitterness and anger towards each other? I'm sure that men are not immune to this sort of behavior but it seems to be more prominent with women of all ages. I even saw a documentary recently on TV that was about young girls being violent towards other young girls. This seems to be a small theme in the things that I see and hear in my life right now. Why are we this way? Can I be different? How could a teach a daughter of mine to be different, if I had one? Is this a problem from one generation to the next or is it a cultural thing? Or could it be the alternate battle of nature vs. nurture?

Well, instead of becoming bitter and angry this one time I thought I would put my thoughts out there for people to hear and think about. Also to calm my heart so I would reflect on my mind was taking me places that even I didn't want to go.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our News Advetures as a Family

Here is a little update of our family and what is going on with us this fall. Mike is already back to school and he has started his pastoral internship @ Olivet Church as the middle school youth worker. These are both great things for Mike but they both come with struggles. Of course with Mike in school that means that we have less of an income. My parents are gracious enough to let us live @ there house for a fraction of what it would cost us to live anywhere else. This is truly a great help, but we still struggle with everything that has to do with finances. We are still learning what is important to spend our money one and how to save together. Mike in school also creates a little tension so we really truly need prayer for patience with each other and the journey that God has set us on. We need prayer to be humble through this experience and also that we are able to create a balance between work, school, church and family.

Soon I will be starting a new job of being a nanny for my niece in Port Moody for four days of the week. I am filled with anticipation for this new beginning and a little nervousness too. Talking to my sister in-law Jana has gotten me even more exited and nervous about this. I love working with children because you can be a part of shaping who they will be but that is the same reason that I am nervous, I am going to be part of who this girl will be one day.

Over the last week or so I have been thinking of things that I would write about in an update for my blog and right now I seem to have forgotten most of them.

I just ask for prayer for our little family as we embark on so many new adventures this fall. Prayer that we raise Ben as God intended and that when we do make mistakes that he is protected from them. To keep us safe physically and emotionally in our jobs and that we can learn to live and laugh through all of the struggles that life will throw @ us.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

8 Months and Seems so Old

Ben is now 8 months old, I thought that you know kid's grow up, but I am still amazed at the rate that they do the growing up @. It seems like Ben is getting faster and better at getting around with each day that passes. He also thinks that he is growing up and for the last week or so he had decided that he no longer needs naps. What can I say, it's been a really long week. Here are a few pictures of Ben and is growing too fast.This is Ben is his snow suit that was to be for this winter. It is way too tight for him, so tight that he was having a really hard time sitting. I had to quickly shoot this one before he fell down, he couldn't bend @ the waist.

It totally looks like he is standing on his own here. He is leaning on the chair.

I sat Ben down in his bed so that he wouldn't get into trouble while I was doing something and he grabbed onto the rail of his bed and pulled himself up to standing. He seems to like the view from standing and tries to get to standing whenever he can.

Here's a better shot of him standing in his crib.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

To the things I didn't realize I knew

Today was an interesting day, filled with ups and downs but in the end I think it was good (pending on a little guy falling asleep really fast). The day started with church where I started to think about the words that I speak to others. Mine aren't always the most encouraging and they should be. Then a relaxing afternoon with Mike and a stressful one with Ben, strange how an afternoon can be both. Then this evening someone reminded me about a little girl I met the first time I was in Africa and that made me think of Benard, the 18 month old boy that I also met the first time I was in Zambia. The I thought of the circumstances of Zambians and how I am truly,truly blessed to be where I am today and to have my little family. No matter how I look at things, I have more than in my life than anyone that I worked with in Zambia could ever dream of. I have a husband who loves me and respects all aspects of who I am and respects my opinions. I also have a son who is super healthy and is such a joy in my life, even though some days I don't seem to see that. And they are both just the start of what I have, what else could I ask for?

I know this is truly sappy, but lately I've been in a little bit of a funk and this day just was a slap in the face that even with all the hard changes and decisions that I have to make in my life, God is with me and he is blessing me. "Thank you Lord for all that you have done for me. I do not deserve the love that you give to me. Thank you for Your blessing."
Here are just a few recent shots of my little family because I know that I like pictures to go along with a blog posting. first; mike and I at a ball game, above; ben and mike at the rodeo.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

POOP Happens Everywhere

My little Ben is almost 8 months old now and I'm proud to say that tonight was the first time that he pooped in the tub while he was having a bath. All of a sudden there was this rumble from beneath him and then there were little logs in his little tub. My mom was asking me the other day if this had happened to us yet and I proudly said, "no," but no longer is that the correct answer. He pooped in the tub and well, I'm sure that it will not be the last time.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Ben Standing on His Own

My mom put Ben in her laundry basket today and so she yelled at me to get my camera to take pictures because it was just too cute. He was being cute and just playing around in there and then all of a sudden he pulls himself up and he's standing. Of course he is holding on for dear life but he is actually doing it. I was so amazed and just kept taking pictures. It was a good moment. When I told Mike about it later, he was all cool and calm like the kid does this every day. I tell you, I was so glad that I had my camera out because it is not every day that your kid stands for the first time. It was great.

Three Computer Nerds in the Woods

Yesterday we went out to 'The Homestead' to meet with Mike's coworkers @ Redphone. It was kind of funny to think that we were trapezing around the woods and roasting wieners with computer nerds. I never would have thought that would be how I would spend a relaxing sunday evening. We really did have a wonderful time and realized that we really don't do things with people outside our family much, outsiders can be fun too. We went and had a wiener roast and then went for a little hike before the evening of R&R around the fire. Ben also had a great time with Zane, Dave son (Mike's boss). It was a really great time

Ben and Zane having a blast with Zane's truck.

Friday, July 11, 2008


I don't know if everyone knows this but I have been waiting and waiting for my new camera to arrive and finally it has. I can finally start taking pictures of people I know and love to develop a portfolio and get going on my new business.

For those who do not know I'm starting a little family photography business. So book now for I'm working cheap to free until I get a portfolio ready to show off to potential clients.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Strawberries Finally

We went to get some strawberries today so we thought we would through Ben in the field and take a few shots. He might even make it into a few Langley tourism things. There were some photographers there and mom suggested that they take pictures of a cute baby in the fields.