Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Growing up Soooooo Fast

Ben is almost 6 months now and he got his first tooth on Saturday, June 14th, and I'm sure that another one is not far behind. On Friday night we were camping with my family, and really not a time you want your baby screaming in the mild of the night for no reason that you know of, then when I found the tooth I totally understood why the boy was the way he was.

A few more things that Ben is doing now include, swimming on land (trying to crawl) and drinking from a bottle @ the same time that someone is holding him. In some ways it just seems like yesterday that he was so small and not doing anything and in other ways I just can't remember much about him being any younger then he is right now.

We are truly enjoying watching this little guy grow up and I am thank full for all those in his life that encourage us and want to get to know this little guy as he becomes more of who he is meant to be.


Days of our Lives said...

congrats on getting through your first tooth .... and good luck on the rest ;) how could anyone not want to get to know this cutie !

Carla said...

You'll have to ask A.Dawna about Derek crying in the night at the cabin for 'unknown' reasons. And then he cut 5 teeth. or something like that.
T. Carla
We can laugh about it now.

Perry said...

Yeah, that story about Derek cutting five teeth is right. He had a terrible "crying" weekend and U. Perry wanted to keep giving him Tylenol and I said no. During the next week he popped out 5 teeth! After that I was very willing to give him Tylenol for every cry!
Glad you made it through the first of many teeth - keep enjoying that young man of yours!