Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Benard and The Doctor

Here is my little guy a week ago. For over a week now he has had a had time breathing. At first I thought he was having a hard time sleeping because he was teething (he is teething), but it seemed to be his breathing that was keeping him away the most. I took him to the doctor finally yesterday and Ben might have allergies or it might be his abnoyds (I totally spelt that wrong but I hope you understand what I mean, something in his throat). Anyway he now has an inhaler and that is no fun.

The reason for this little blurb is that I'm looking for pray. Benard and I are not getting enough sleep these days and it is getting hard to go on. I want my little guy to get better for him and for my sanity.

Thank you everyone and God Bless.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The things we learn.

So these days Benard and I are learning to communicate with each other. What a challenge that is. I tell him things and he doesn't understand me, then he will want something and I don't understand him. All phases of his life so far seem soooooo long and hard to adjust to, but really how many phases has he gone through in his short little life, many. Remember when I thought he would never drink from a bottle, now we are almost ready for him to give up his bottles. It all seems in the moment forever long and then when you look back, he was just a new born @ this time last year.

That is something else that I've been realizing lately, I do not have a baby anymore, Benard is a toddler. He is a motivated young guy that wants to learn about everything and be involved in everything. He is started to speack more and he laungage of choice is what I call 'izzies'. That is because he talks like what I can remember my second cousin Isabella Friesen talking like. Ben really wants to be involved when an adult is doing something. When cooking he wants to be held by the cook and he learned to shovel the driveway of snow a couple of weeks ago. Really if you let him, he will try to do everything an adult can.

It is an interesting phase more for me than for him, because I miss my little baby, but am so exited for the new things he is learning every day.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Years Day

My Dad's extended family got together on New Years Day as what is becoming a little bit of a tradition. We eat, play games and get to see people we see little to non of during the year. So here are just a few pictures to capture that special time.
Here is Mike with Molly and Ben. Playing a game of chase, I think.

This is Brett, he is one of the newest members of our family.

Here Rachel and I are playing a game of SkipBo with Grandma and Jean. Rachel and Jean won, Grandma and I are having an off year with cards. We really shouldn't play together anymore we always loose.

Here is a picture with his second cousin Andrew. Andrew is much better @ playing with others, I guess we need to work on that.

Hockey Boy

Here is Benard with grandpa Friesen playing hockey. Last week Ben went into grandpa's workshop to see what he was doing and found a hockey stick. It was a really old hockey stick that Rachel and I played with when we were kids so it was short, but not short enough. Grandpa had to custumize it for Ben and made it even shorter. It was already late, so the first day they just played inside. I think it was the day after it was nice enough to finally go outside and Ben and his grandpa played hockey. Bellow is the first night and you can see what he one is above.

Ben now loves to play hockey and wants everyone to play as long as he gets both hockey sticks.

Thank you for the good times grandpa.