Monday, March 31, 2008

I am starting to hate Bottles

Lately we have been trying to get Ben to take a bottle. This seems like no easy or somewhat simple task. We knew that it wouldn't be the easies thing in the world but I thought the kid would eventually take the thing. This could be a very long evening if Ben doesn't settle down soon. Oh the joys of parent hood.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Family fun time

If you can't tell I'm a penguin too.
Here's Mike with on that Ben's grandma Anne made him. I think it might be a few years before he fits into this one.

We just decided that we would all try on Ben's winter toques.
Here is Ben with he fav. "Look mom I'm a penguin. Thanx auntie Rachel and Uncle Ian."

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ben finds his voice

Here's a video of Ben talking to Grandma, working on his vocal skills. I was in bed, trying to catch up on sleep so I missed it. Luckily Oma was there with her camera and gave us this video of it.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Weekend

Well it was Ben's first Easter and I think that the little guy got a little over loaded. We has a birthday party on friday, had visiters from Kamploops on saturday and sunday we went mini golfing and had a nice Easter dinner.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Ben's first kid birthday party

Ben got so exited for his first birthday party that he fell fast asleep. I think it more had to do with the fact that his nap got cut a little short to go to the party.
Ben say, "Happy birthday Andrew."

3 months

Here are the lastest pics. of Ben's 'growth chart'

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Up date on Mike

Mike is starting to feel better, slowly. He is healing but can't wait until his staples are out. He will have to wait until tuesday because of the holiday. Classes have been challanging because there is alot of sitting, but he goes and is slowly getting back into helping out with Ben.

Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

A strange and exiting day!

Well for the last few days Mike hasn't been feeling well and today I convinced him to finally go to the doctors. The result of this is that Mike is in the hospital just after getting his appendics out. He is doing fine now. I saw him when he was still in recovery and he is glad that it is all over after being in pain for the last few days.

I'm really sorry if this is the way that you find out about all of this but I can't sleep and I just wanted to get this done.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Opportunities?

Well family and friends,

Here is a little update about what is going on in our lives right now regarding what we are doing with Mike's school.

Just this week, Mike heard of an oppurtunity that would keep us here in Abbotsford. Mike would be the youth intern at Northview and continue to go to school at CBC. We are really looking into what would be best for Mike in the future and right now niether here nor there seem to make a difference. So well...we need a lot of prayer so we can see a clear plan of what we should do this fall.

Please pray for us as we seek to follow God's will in our lives and strive to do what's best for our family. Obviously, it would be wonderful to be able to stay close to our families this fall, but we want to do what's best in the long run as well...

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Ben's first Concert

Well today Ben and I went to his first concert. We went to the Langley Chapters and saw The Bare Naked Lady's, it was short but, sweet. Ben even got at sighned album cover. For some reason I don't think that he'll remember this fun time so I look some pictures to document the momemt for him. I think we will also get Ben their new cd when it comes out later this year.
Can you even see the band I don't think this is the best picture, but the guy next to me, I don't think he would have moved for me. Also we got there just in time, we didn't get the good seats.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Here is my crazy husband with our crazy strong son, Ben. This picture is from aobut a month ago when Ben wasn't that old. We think he is super strong and super big, but that might just be because our niece seems so much smaller and she is only a month younger then him.
Well, I thought that Mike deserved to be on the blog as well considering that I put this together as a family blog, so here he is in all his glory.
Mike is working and going to school so whenever he's home he loves to do crazy things with Ben even thought the kid is just only over 2 months old.

time to start of things

Well here are just the two of us, we don't have any recent pictures of all three of us. Hopefully soon.
I thought we should start a blog before we go far away or closer, depending who you are. So this will be a little document of our lives. I hope that you will enjoy