Thursday, July 30, 2009

Work, Work, Work

So Mike and I have been on the hunt for jobs ever since we got back and now finally good new is here, we both have jobs. Mike tried working a physical labour job and that just didn't work out so now he is back working with computers @ Mike's Computer Shop. The computer shop is more to his liking anyways. I how ever have two jobs, well sort of, I've started work @ Reitmen's and start sometime in August with Payless Shoes. So far we have both had just one day @ our respective jobs but we both see good things happening there.

Right now with the heat wave we really don't mind going to work to get a break from sweating and just being too tired to think. I had a four hour shift the other day and I went to get a cold drink on my break and I walked out the front do and was hit with a wall of heat and humidity. Crazy, never thought I would experience that in the Fraser Valley.

Thank you everyone who keeps us in their prayers. Mike and I are still looking into the future and there are still a couple of jobs that we both applied for that we think that would fit us better. Please pray that if we do or do not get our 'dream' jobs @ this moment that we are still grateful to G0d for providing for our needs. He has been sooooo faithful to us in this time of transition.

1 comment:

Carla said...

Glad to hear the good news. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.