Ben seems to have been waiting for this snow day for a couple of months now. I don't even know how he remembers about snow because I don't even think we had a snow day last year. Anyway, he has been asking to make snow balls for a few weeks now and finally there was enough snow to actually do that.
I thought even though they may not like it, I would take the little kids out in the snow too. Today is one of the days that Addison is over.

Here are a few pictures before going out in the snow. This is what each kid was wearing under there snow suits.

Here are the two little ones. I don't think either could move at all, because once we got outside they didn't move from the spots I put them.

Here's Benard working hard with daddy to get all the snow off the driveway and car.

If you look closely you can see a tear on her cheek, she wasn't too impressed to be so restricted by her snow suit.

Quinlan was his giddy little self and just sat there and if anyone talked to him he smiled at them.

I actually got all three kids in a picture together. I was really impressed with myself anyway.

Oh look, Mike and I were out in the snow too.