Friday, March 5, 2010

New Changes

Right now it may seem like the biggest change in our lives that we are thinking about is our new baby soon to arrive, but there always seem to be other things that our changing and challenging us. Our news biggest challenge is that I might not have enough hours for maternity leave. So times in life it just seems like your doing the whole one step forward and two steps back. Mike just got a new job this week, which he loves and pays better, but then one of his co-workers told him that when his wife tried to go on mat. leave she was short hours. The thing is we looked it up and Mike went in person and asked how many hours I would need and I got enough for that. Mike's co-worker said they did the same thing and you need 300 or more hours then they tell you, you need.

So when we finally felt okay about how much $ we had coming into our home things changed again. I was just thinking that I would send out this little note for all our family and friends that read this so that all of you could pray about our situation. We need prayer so we know what to do next. God has always provided for our family, but we would love to work hard as well as leaning on Him for our needs. This is a hard time to figure this all out and we need prayer that (well I do especially) that we don't freak out about this and react, but spend time in prayer and discussion to find a solution to our problems. This set back may really change our lives and I know I need prayer so that I won't become bitter and will feel comforted no matter what we have to do to get through this hard time.

I really appreciate all of the prayers, love and support we get from all of those who read this.

God bless, Renee

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Wow, I am praying for you as this all works out. I am sorry that you are being put under more stress right now, I will be praying that God will show you his plan sooner rather then later. Take care and know that we love you guys and that God will provide for your needs.