Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Blessings I never thought possible

I don't know who I have all told over the years, but as I get older I seem to be able to tell people in a more casual fashion that I have a giant (wanted to use a different word but I can't even get close to spelling it so my computer can't help me) learning disability. It has been a struggle for me since grade 1. I remember being tested and seeing a lot of dr as a young child and not really knowing why. And then over the years I figured out that I was different when taken out of class or even out of school and even out of the province at one point to get the help that I needed. From all of this I was set aside at school and it developed some anxieties in my life. I knew I was different and thought everyone else saw that too. Anyway that was the long way of telling you that school was rough for me and I didn't like being there, so when I had kids and thought about them in school...... I had worry.... I had anxiety... I was scared for them to go through the same things I went through. For the first 2 1/2 years of Benard going to school I thought that all my worst fears would be true and that tears would be the ruler of our house for the next 13 years. Benard, as you might know, is a December baby and we thought he would do well going to school the year he turned 5 and not to wait until the next year. When I look back I would not change this, but it did make things challenging for him and his teachers for the first year and 1/2 maybe even two years. Benard is full of energy and spunk and also has the biggest heart (if I didn't know Mike and Eric I would say Ben's is the biggest, but it's a three way the).   This all added up to a lot of long chats with teachers, a misinformed Dr visit, and a lot of tears from me and a little from Ben.

And then Benard started to read, HE LOVE TO READ. Never could you catch me saying that I love to read. Benard LOVES TO LEARN. I like to know new things, but learning brings me to tears and break downs overtime. My child and his love of learning is such a blessing from God that I broke down in a different kind of tears the other day. Benard has had so many wonderful teachers over the last four years and this year she is amazing. Ben's teacher did a voice recording of a science project about tornado's he did recently and sent it to us. He was so clear and knew what he needed to say. What a blessing from God that my son loves to learn and loves to read. To me this means that he can develop a closer and more intimate relationship with God at a younger age then me, because he can read God's word (the bible) and know and understand what it is saying. If feel so blessed by God for this child who loves to learn.

Just an aside, Quinlan is doing great in school so far too and loves to be there with his friends and loves to learn and do just as the teacher asks him to. He is our little follower. I am looking forward to see who God has for him to be.


1 comment:

Julie said...

I just read your post. It is wonderful to see how God is Blessing your little family. God bless you all