Monday, August 11, 2008

Ben Standing on His Own

My mom put Ben in her laundry basket today and so she yelled at me to get my camera to take pictures because it was just too cute. He was being cute and just playing around in there and then all of a sudden he pulls himself up and he's standing. Of course he is holding on for dear life but he is actually doing it. I was so amazed and just kept taking pictures. It was a good moment. When I told Mike about it later, he was all cool and calm like the kid does this every day. I tell you, I was so glad that I had my camera out because it is not every day that your kid stands for the first time. It was great.


Rietta said...

so glad you got to catch this milestone on camera. thanks for sharing!

love, a.rietta

Days of our Lives said...

way to go ben !!!!!