Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ben & Daddy Day

Benard and I have had the chance to spend a few days together lately. Just the two of us, the men of the family. Ben has recently had ear infections in both ears, so he's stayed home with Grandma & Grandpa, and me.

I've loved having my little buddy out with me. It's been lots of fun to just hang out and run errands with him...though he was sometimes tired.

On Friday we were at the mall visiting Grandma & Grandpa Friesen when they suggested we hop in line for Santa. After waiting with some other couples who were quite impressed at Ben's size, we got his picture taken. It turned out awesome, and my friend who works as Santa's helper said that Benard was one of the best kids through there. I think it helps that Santa looks a little like Grandad does with the beard and all.
Ben had a wonderful smile and was all excited to play with all of the toys and Christmas trees. We waited for the photo and Ben walked around trying to grab everything from the trees to the ornaments, and even the fence surrounding the place. Enjoy the picture, we sure do!


Bob said...

What a cutie. I think Ben was wondering why grandad Bjorndal was wearing so much red. Yes we also had alot of fun looking after him while he was sick and couldn't go to work.

Perry said...

What a great picture of Santa and Benard! Hope his ears are all better.

Days of our Lives said...

oh man , what a good santa photo !
