Friday, November 13, 2009

The fun with Doctors

So for the last few weeks I've been wondering if I was having twins. The reason for this is each time I went to my doctors office, she says to me, "oh, seems like just one for now." or "well, next week after the ultrasound we'll know if it's one or two." Just the things that a pregnant person wants to hear the two time she goes to the doctor.

This had me thinking a lot over the last few weeks and just wondering why the doctor would have mentioned this at all. So finally this last Tuesday the doctor confirmed that I am only having one baby. It really makes a person feel really large when her doctor thinks that your having twins and especially when a customer @ work asks how close your due date is. That's right, someone @ work thought I was due soon. I'm only half way done here and well this is making me feel very large.

Strange things that happen in life. I know that I am not large and not having twins but it's a funny little story that I wanted to share with everyone.

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