Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Benard Riding his Bike

I have never put a video up on my blog before so we'll have to see if I can figure this out.

Anyway this is a video of Benard on his bike. Last year Benard's great grandparents got a bike for all their great grandchildren that my parents' kids have. The bikes are called balance bikes or running bikes. Last year Benard would get on it and then off in a few seconds. This year he will ride up the street, around the park and back. If you will notice Benard is starting to learn how to balance and takes both feet off the ground. This is the purpose of the bike, so that kids can learn balance without using training wheels. I don't know how it will transfer to a bike with pedals later, but for now he is having fun on his bike. Soon I want to take to to the Zoo and see how he does there.