We took our little family camping with our friends this last weekend in Oroville, Washington. I was surprised how good the kids were and we ended up having a great time, even with the two evenings with thunder and rain storms.

We started off a ways away from our friends and quickly moved closer once they got there. It would have been hard to hang out in the evenings and have the kids sleeping far away. So here our tent is on the move.

Here is Judah, our friends son. He is a week younger than Addison, but I think twice her size. There were three families and five kids, only one was a girl. Gabby still had a great time.

Here my boys are @ the water.

This picture is for my mom, she thinks we need to document he chubby cheeks. I just thought he could air dry a little.

Ben and Gabby playing a little card game before a meal one of the days.

Quinlan, Mike and Ben all had a nap on Saturday while everyone else when into town, so they had a good sleep and I went for a dip in the lake. We all had a relaxing afternoon.

Here are a few pictures of Mike and Ben during one of the storms. Mike went to the store just before both storms and I found out that our tent lets in any water that falls on in. What a fun adventure, I was feeding Quinlan both times and then had to rush to get the tarps on so we could be a little dry to sleep.

Jim and Patti, our friends that invited us, found this ghost town called old Molson for us to go visit. I just love places like this and was presently surprised that Ben did too. We were there for a couple of hours and he didn't really want to leave @ the end.

I'm exited about this, so if your around you might hear about it a lot. I'm take a first aid class @ the end of next week and it is an all day class, so I had to start Quinlan on a bottle so he could @ least take it that day. This weekend was the first time he drank 4 oz. from a bottle and I believe that was way faster than Ben. It really made my day the first time it happened.

Quinlan and Judah are learning to be friends. Mostly right now Judah puts his mouth all over Quinlan and sits on him, meanwhile Quinlan usually laughs.

On our way back from Old Molson both kids fell asleep and Mike and I had a little mini date and talked without screaming kid, it was so nice. The kids aren't usually bad in the car, but it was nice to chat with out Ben asking why every two min.

Ben just loves this bike and spent most of the weekend on in. I think he is even better on it now then he was when I posted the videos of him on it.

Quinlan ended up sleeping in the shade tent because we didn't have enough room in our tent and there was just enough room for his play pen.

Our site with Jim and Patti.
Looks like you had a great time camping with your boys and friends.
my friends were out at Oroville with family this summer. they go every other year and always talk about how nice it is.
that is one nice towel that your naked baby is on...smile.
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