Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Stanley Park (super secret surprise day)

Today was Mike's super secret surprise day and we went to Stanley Park just the two of use. Apparently he had figured it out before, but I was having fun teasing him for the last week. He did figure out for sure that it was just the two of use before the big day, but I thought I had the event all secret, but apparently not.

Anyway we had a great time and walked all the way around the seawall and had a picnic. Maybe next time we have a day to ourselves we won't go as far because the traffic was slow and long. I didn't know how much construction was on the freeway right now. All and all it was a great day though and we had great weather for it too.
We only took a few pictures with the digital camera because part of the day was capturing it on Mike's super crappy Polaroid camera. The pictures are crap, but the memories of being super cheese with it are fun.

Maybe next time Mike can be the planner for our fun day together, hint, hint.


Carla said...

glad that you had a great time, even without the surprise.

Mandy Tops said...

That is so great!! I need to take a lesson from you!