Ben getting candy from Aunty Rachel before going to the mall. Rachel looks like she is having more fun then Ben in this picture.

I guess we got to the mall a little too late this year. Almost all the stores were out of candy by the time we got there, but at least for our kids going to the mall includes a visit with grandma so it is always a good time.

We ran into Dr. Addison Tops at the mall.

Here the boys are with police woman Gabby, Yoda (Judah), Quinlan was Darth Vader and Ben was a pumpkin. This was just before taking them trick or treating.

Ben and Gabby lasted a lot longer than the little guys. The daddy's took the little ones home after a few houses and us mommy's kept going with the 'big' kids.

Ben with his candy after the night was over.
It was a fun evening to spend with our family. Just going out meeting friends a.nd getting candy. I just love dressing my kids up and playing dress up with them
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