Monday, November 22, 2010

Quinlan 8 months old

Quinlan is already 8 months old. He is getting around with a little army crawl these days and I am already missing leaving him in one spot and finding him there. He seems to get every where really fast these days and is never where I left him, that is unless I sit him up and then he can't seem to get down. Some days I sit him up a lot so he doesn't get under foot.

Lets see, what else? Oh yes, Quinlan now has five teeth which he seems to have grown all of them in under a month. He still doesn't like eating and just likes to drink milk. I think he just likes the easy life of not working on getting bigger, because that is all that he really does. Quinlan is really big on growing.
He really wanted to get his hands on the camera, so it was a little challenging to take these pictures.

Here he is sitting with his pig that he is now almost as big as.

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