Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Opportunities?

Well family and friends,

Here is a little update about what is going on in our lives right now regarding what we are doing with Mike's school.

Just this week, Mike heard of an oppurtunity that would keep us here in Abbotsford. Mike would be the youth intern at Northview and continue to go to school at CBC. We are really looking into what would be best for Mike in the future and right now niether here nor there seem to make a difference. So well...we need a lot of prayer so we can see a clear plan of what we should do this fall.

Please pray for us as we seek to follow God's will in our lives and strive to do what's best for our family. Obviously, it would be wonderful to be able to stay close to our families this fall, but we want to do what's best in the long run as well...

1 comment:

Rietta said...

praying along with you.

a. Rietta