Sunday, April 20, 2008

One Step Forward and Two Steps Back

Well, the bottle thing is still an issue with Ben and I. There are days that I think, "oh yes he's finally got it. By tomorrow it should be all good and we will have no more issues with him taking a bottle." Then the next day every sip will be a struggle, there will be screaming and hysterics. Today was not a good day for the bottle, I thought after yesterday's 3 1/2 ounces that today would be a breeze. Well it wasn't, there was only an ounce out of the bottle and I'm not sure how much of that got into Ben's stomach. Most of that ounce is on his bib and on the floor.

It's funny how much you can love someone and despise everything they do at the same time. This bottle incident was only 15 mins. ago and now Ben is just sitting here with me at the computer being as cute as can be. I know this will only be the first of many struggles we will go through together, but I'm getting frustrated already.

We'll make it though, right. My kid will one day be a bottle drinker, someone who goes to the bathroom by himself and can do a few things with out me right by his side for more then a few minutes at a time.

I know that one day I will look back at these days and think, "remember those days when the only problems we had were when you won't take a bottle." Right now it is hard to see the forest for the trees.


Pat said...

Hi Renee,
This is the first time I've read your blog since you first started it. WOW, I feel really 'caught up' on your life. YOur mom missed a few details when I saw her in Victoria. I didn't know about Mike's appendics. Glad he is better. Love all the pics and I love the sound clip too. YOu should try and get more of those posted so we can hear him mature too.
Love and miss you guys.
Pat and girls

Perry said...

Renee, I remember those early days all too well. The sad (and good) part is, they pass too quickly. You'll be sooo glad to see the bottle days gone, but at the same time, Benard won't be at that stage. I've come to realize - enjoy each stage - with the good and the bad!! Still praying for you as a mom and for the two of you as you make decisions regarding your future.

Auntie Dawna

Oma said...

SO true !
You are so wise already. Sounds like you've got it figured out.
I also agree, this too shall pass all too quickly, and some things you'll never forget.