Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Years Day

My Dad's extended family got together on New Years Day as what is becoming a little bit of a tradition. We eat, play games and get to see people we see little to non of during the year. So here are just a few pictures to capture that special time.
Here is Mike with Molly and Ben. Playing a game of chase, I think.

This is Brett, he is one of the newest members of our family.

Here Rachel and I are playing a game of SkipBo with Grandma and Jean. Rachel and Jean won, Grandma and I are having an off year with cards. We really shouldn't play together anymore we always loose.

Here is a picture with his second cousin Andrew. Andrew is much better @ playing with others, I guess we need to work on that.

1 comment:

Rietta said...

Great pictures... thanks Renee. I think that first picture looks more like a game of pull then chase :)