That is something else that I've been realizing lately, I do not have a baby anymore, Benard is a toddler. He is a motivated young guy that wants to learn about everything and be involved in everything. He is started to speack more and he laungage of choice is what I call 'izzies'. That is because he talks like what I can remember my second cousin Isabella Friesen talking like. Ben really wants to be involved when an adult is doing something. When cooking he wants to be held by the cook and he learned to shovel the driveway of snow a couple of weeks ago. Really if you let him, he will try to do everything an adult can.
It is an interesting phase more for me than for him, because I miss my little baby, but am so exited for the new things he is learning every day.
He is really learning very quickly. I notice it when I don't see him for 2 days.
wow , he's getting sooooo big !! what a cutie ;)
I am looking forward to seeing you in the summer. I suppose that Ben will be a young man by then.
Great pics. Glad to hear that you are able to enjoy your time together at home.
Sorry about the job. I always thot that I would like to work in a bank.
T. Carla
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